
British police uncovered a theft involving online banking to £ 6,000,000

AP 29, a police spokesman said the British police have arrested 19 suspected Internet banking theft suspects, involving up to 600 million pounds (about $ 9,470,000).
London police launched the morning of 28 action and arrested 15 men and 4 women. London Police Electronic Crime Investigation Department police officer Terry Wilson said: "We
destroyed a highly organized criminal networks, they use sophisticated methods to go from a large number of innocent people in the cash account transfer."
By Wilson said, the suspect by malicious software, steal the user's online banking login information, the victim funds to other accounts.
Reuters quoted police as saying that criminal gangs in the 3 months period of time the illegal theft of six million pounds (947 million). Further investigation of a case to
start with, may increase the amount of money involved.
Police did not disclose name of the bank involved in the case. However, Reuters reported that many victims are world renowned Bank of users.

The United States last year, the income gap between rich and poor record of young people, creating the largest hard Youxin

Xinhua BEIJING, Sept. 28, according to U.S. media reports, the U.S. income gap between rich and poor record of last year's largest, in the economic downturn, the United States
lives of young people particularly hard.
According to the latest statistics show that 20% of the U.S. population belongs to high-income people, that the annual income of over 10 million U.S. dollars, they hold 49.4% of
the wealth of the United States, and those living under the poverty line, the crowd only to master the wealth of the United States 3.4% . This rich and poor is more than growth
from 13.6 in 2008 to 14.5, compared with 7.69 in 1968, an increase of nearly doubled.
In addition, 5% of total U.S. population of more than $ 180,000 annual income of the richest people, the slow income growth last year, while the annual income of $ 50,000 in
median family income or even decline.
The survey also showed that many low-skilled young people aged 18 to 34 last year, struggling in poverty, the situation is more serious than ever. Some experts said the economic
recession led to a lot of unemployed young people and parents, friends or loved living crowded together, and if they can not obtain the necessary vocational training, labor
market will bring potential problems.

Germany, a man 22 years of knowledge of sexual abuse of women hate 1000

According to British media reports on September 28, Düsseldorf, Germany before the court together so far Europe's largest sex crimes cases. This small study were not criminals
to fight, so he is very hostile to those who are less educated people, especially female intellectuals. To these women as "downgrade" to show what he can do, and he took his
life as a female rape task. 22 years, the man fled the European countries, to imitate a scene using the opportunity to borrow toilet, burglary, rape and sexual harassment has
1,000 women, wait for the offender is more than 15 years in prison.
Ouer Ge, 46, who is the German Al Eternal City, is the father of two children. Life, education is often not high Ouer Ge education their children should learn to be
intellectuals. The eyes of his wife, Ou Erge although several illiterate but still honest, she did not notice this "man" actually raped, Ms. 1000, is Europe's most spurned the
Seen the movie "Silence of the Lambs" who will certainly play that were raped and killed the perpetrators of most hated women, but it was actually Ouer Ge violent elements were
most admired man, and he also draws on the means of deceptive play . Ou Erge means of extended families knock the door clutching his stomach, stomach ache excuse the toilet
urgently, if the woman found in households with only one person, that person becomes the object of his violations. In this way, Ouer Ge in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium,
Luxembourg and other countries, burglary, rape, more than 20 women. Other victims are being deceived in a similar scenario was Ouer Ge sexual abuse.
Once, Ou Erge out camping with the family at night the whole family are asleep in the tent, he has slipped out of a burglary, rape women, who do not like to return after the
tents with the family. In March, Ou Erge raped a woman in Belgium after the deal did not live as usual, the results left a DNA sample, the police arrested him a favorable

British "Nature" magazine: the 50 million people facing a "water security" issue

    British "Nature" magazine published a study 30 reported that 80% of the population, or about 5.0 billion people facing water security issues.
    The report shows that Africa, India and East Asia and other developing countries and regions are facing major difficulties in the basic water needs, while the United States
and Europe and other developed countries and regions need to solve the water problem of species diversity, threatened.
    The report by the United States, Germany, Australia and other countries the researchers combined to complete.

Nicaragua 5000 flood killed 54 people homeless

   Xinhua Beijing Sept. 29 band Storm "Matthew" in the Central American countries, Nicaragua floods, resulting in at least 54 people were killed and 5,000 were left homeless,
roads and bridges and other infrastructure damaged.
    28, Nicaraguan authorities said, "Matthew" will bring rain for days, 8,000 households were flooded. Matagalpa Province and the northern province of Esteli, Chinandega
province, northwestern, western León province hardest hit.
    29 Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported, heavy rain caused the water level in Managua, the capital of Managua to rise, threatening the nearby slums.
    Tropical Storm "Matthew" 23 formation, to the Caribbean coast to bring a wide range of rainfall, resulting in Nicaragua, Honduras and other countries power outages, flight
delays, coffee and sugar cane plantations were destroyed, tens of thousands of emergency transfer.
    "Matthew" 25 PM weakened into a tropical depression, but the residual effects of the continued heavy rainfall in parts of Central America are facing threat of floods and


Sarkozy: Israeli-Palestinian peace talks has been agreed in October to France

   Xinhua Xinhua Beijing on September 28 on the 27th, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said France would invite Palestinian and Israeli leaders in France next month to discuss
Middle East peace process.
    Sarkozy met in Paris on the day of visiting the Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. At a news conference after he announced that France proposes peace
talks, Palestinian and Israeli leaders next month to France.
    Sarkozy said he will meet Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak together the Middle East peace process.
    He said Abbas and Netanyahu have agreed to peace talks Act. Participants will also be 4 will be held in November to prepare for a Mediterranean Union summit.
    Mediterranean Union was established in July 2008, a total of 43 members, aimed at deepening cooperation in the European Union and Mediterranean countries. Palestine and
Israel are members of the League.
    Sarkozy reiterated France's stance on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, called on Israel to extend the cessation of West Bank Jewish settlements in the order. Abbas also
demanded at the party once again extend the cessation of that period, "a further period of three or four months, give peace a chance."
    Israel last November agreed to freeze West Bank settlement construction in 10 months, cessation of orders due at 0:00 on the 27th of this month. Under pressure from all
sides, Israel did not agree to extend the cessation of the final order, settlement construction resumed on schedule, to restart direct peace talks between Palestine and Israel
soon overshadowed.
    Palestinian previously insisted that if Israel does not extend the period of cessation of that, but the resumption of settlement construction, the Palestinian side will
withdraw from direct talks. Abbas said the 26th position, he will be Oct. 4 and the Arab League foreign ministers held talks after Pakistan announced the decision.

About 6,800 people die each year in Japan smoke

    Xinhua Beijing Sept. 28 Xinhua MHLW 28, a group of researchers published study reported that every year about 6800 people in Japan died from diseases caused by passive
smoking, of which about 3600 people from passive smoking in the workplace.
    "(Passive smoking) has caused great harm," Japan's National Cancer Medical Center Senior Fellow Yumiko Mochizuki (phonetic) said, "Government and employers need to be aware
of their obligation to protect the health of employees."
    A survey in 2005 as a reference, the researchers estimate that about 76 million adults in Japan, non-smokers, 30% of women and 6% of men at home, passive smoking, 20% female
and 30% of men in the workplace inhalation of second-hand smoke.
    Another study showed that died of lung cancer cases in Japan, about 8% of women and 1% of men cause is passive smoking. Died of ischemic heart disease cases, about 9% of
women and 4% of men cause is passive smoking.
    The 28th published study shows that passive smoking prevalence in Japan die each year from a total of 4600 women, men, a total of 2,200. Among them, 1,800 men and women of
the passive smoking in the workplace.
    In order to prevent second-hand smoke damage to health, Health Ministry in February this year, for restaurants, hotels, shopping malls and other public places have issued a
call for a total smoking ban.
    Kanagawa, Japan, released in April this year, the first anti-smoking laws prohibit the schools, hospitals, government offices and other public places.

IMF president says war unlikely global outbreak of the currency

WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 (Xinhua Liu Lina Jiang Xufeng) International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Dominique Strauss - Kahn, 28, said the slow economic recovery in the
world, countries are actively seeking to promote the growth response, but a currency world war is unlikely.
Kahn day in Washington, DC headquarters of the International Monetary Fund at a press conference that after the outbreak of the financial crisis, the world's major economies to
take effective coping strategies of cooperation. Large uncertainty in the world economy, countries still need coordination and cooperation. If countries want the national
interests, only on the global economy. For the currency war there in the world economy has to say, Kahn said that this will increase the downside risks to world economy, but
"the possibility of a currency war is very small."
Kahn stressed that unless the unemployment rate, or can not say that the financial crisis is over. The world economy need to be able to increase employment growth. If economic
recovery does not translate into employment, is not meaningful for most people.
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will be October 9 to 10 annual meeting held in Washington, members of the two representatives of international organizations will
gather in one place, judged the world's economic and financial situation, discuss the international financial institutions reform.

Chile trapped miners rescued 15 days after the earliest possible

  Xinhua San Diego Sept. 28 (Xinhua Luan Xiang) in San Jose in northern Chile copper mine, said rescue workers on the 28th, mine rescue excavation in the use of heavy excavator
has been nearly half that rate, the earliest after 15 days trapped rescued.
Atacama Desert in the San Jose mine collapse on Aug. 5, 33 miners have been trapped in the depths of 700 meters underground. Implementation of the rescue plan B, evening said 28
rescue workers, the rapid progress of heavy excavator, has a total of more than 300 meters of digging through the tunnel, the distance of 300 meters left to complete the
excavation work. The news spread, the scene rejoicing.
A rescue of anonymity told Xinhua reporters said that the future will enter the underground excavation some acupuncture points, excavation work is relatively easy. According to
the present rate, the final rescue personnel action may be brought forward to mid-October. But it was also noted that if there is any adverse situation, the implementation of
the rescue may be delayed.
The current implementation plan for the rescue work is A, B and C, respectively, using three different machines. Plan B which intended to use heavy-duty excavator digging 620
meters, to mine a workplace. 25, has been rescued for the implementation of the ultimate life-saving work of the production of steel tanks also be shipped live. As planned, the
excavation is complete, life-saving module will be sent to the ground, the miners were rescued one by one.

Moscow mayor was free led to a public hot

Mayor of Moscow sitting in the seat for nearly 18 years, 28 Luzhkov was announced ahead of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed.
For the 74-year-old Luzhkov was dismissed from office, most public opinion here is not surprised. However, the reasons for his resignation, and the impact of the Russian
political analysts have different opinions.
Reason is to avoid complex
Russian presidential press service 28 in website reported that Luzhkov was dismissed because the "lost the trust of the president."
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that Luzhkov had time to take the necessary measures should alleviate the situation. "Moscow Mayor and the relationship between the
president and no place better. Not to mention the mayor is the president of the subsidiary, not the other way around." Putin said.
Russian official media in recent days criticized Luzhkov suspected corruption, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, and has been speculation recently that he may be liable to
Luzhkov is removed from the surface appears to be because of his corruption, but analysts believe that things are not so simple.
    Research Center of the Russian political market Shaky Love, deputy director of Xinhua News Agency said Dmitry Medvedev on Luzhkov long dissatisfaction with the team, in part
because "Luzhkov Group and the many economic scandal," but the reasons for his dismissal "not so simple", "Luzhkov said the president removed the anti-corruption struggle in the
beginning the whole, some far-fetched."
According to "Kommersant" reported that Luzhkov Medvedev's dissatisfaction on the many aspects involved. For example, in Moscow this summer, surrounded by forest fire smoke,
still leave Luzhkov did not return; pro-Luzhkov newspapers published the article at length, suggesting that the principles at work Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and
manner contrary.
The Shaky Love that Luzhkov was sacked Medvedev may also be implemented and the rotation system in the younger officials. Up to now, Luzhkov is a Russia local long-term
administration officials over the last one to leave. Earlier, the governor of Sverdlovsk region, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, have been successively step down.
Russia's "Spark" magazine quoted sociologist Cliffs Kaja's words, the current average age of 63 years the Russian governor. Medvedev appointed officials mean age 46 years. Last
December, Medvedev has said that the old generation of leaders for a term not exceeding 3 should be appointed, officials should rotate positions, and improve management to
reduce the level of malfeasance.
Mei, general co-decision?
There are also some media and analysts have dismissed the issue for the Mayor of Moscow's interpretation of a deeper level, that with the next presidential election approaches,
the relationship between Medvedev and Putin are also subtle changes, and Luzhkov's "existence" The relationship between the two may only have a negative effect.
Vinogradov, the Russian political commentator told Xinhua, the 2011 and 2012 will be held from the State Duma (lower house) elections and the Russian presidential elections, so
"for the Kremlin, the Moscow stability is vital important. " He believes that Luzhkov stepped down because he was trying to split Medvedev and Putin Zheliang "double carriages",
"created a destabilizing factor."
But Shakey Love that Luzhkov stepped down hard on the "May, Cape relations changes" in the background of it, "but also some far-fetched, or simply does not." He believes that
Luzhkov was against the Kremlin, "in this situation, if Medvedev is still doing nothing, is bound to lose political face."
It is worth mentioning that I am 27, Luzhkov publicly announced will not resign. Vinogradov considers it Luzhkov launched the "small uprising." He said: "The mayor openly
refused to leave the location, this approach allows the Kremlin can not tolerate, especially with elections approaching."
Shaky Love said Luzhkov's issue, if nothing Medvedev, "he will be treated as unable to govern", and cause Mei, general "double carriages" force restructuring, so that the
outside world to lose the presidential election in 2012 sense of mystery and interest. Shaky Love that Luzhkov was dismissed May, S & P both "joint decision", is "to prevent the
elite circle of political unrest generated the necessary measures."
Unpredictable political influence
    Luzhkov was dismissed what the Russian Council of geometry? Analysts vary. Some experts estimate that Luzhkov will not completely leave the political arena. But the media
here generally believe that this is unlikely.
In the Russian political arena, Luzhkov's influence should not be underestimated. June 1992 he was appointed as President Boris Yeltsin when he was mayor of Moscow, after three
consecutive re-election, most recently in June 2007. In 1993, Yeltsin and the parliament a heated battle, Luzhkov help them weather the storm. Since then, Luzhkov created the
"motherland" Movement and the Unity Party merged and grown into the largest party in the current Russian State Duma - United Russia party. Currently, Luzhkov was Vice President
of the United Russia Party Supreme Council.
Russia's "view report" website quoted the Russian political commentator saying Ryzhkov, Luzhkov behind "a huge business empire," "a huge group of Moscow officials," "all of them
will struggle in the end."
Shaky Love is told Xinhua that the Russian local government support for Luzhkov is a "limited", he left Russia Council will not have a huge ripple, and even the economic and
management structure of Moscow will not produce significant impact, "the capital will not be any threat to economic development, there is no need to have any fear."
The media here that the post of Deputy Mayor of Moscow welcomes the septuagenarian column, but "transitional figure." Putin, 28, said he had discussed with Dmitry Medvedev, the
new candidate for mayor of Moscow. He said that as a majority of seats in the Moscow Council of the United Russia party leader, his candidate for Mayor of Moscow will issue to
express their views, but the candidates have not yet determined.
"For the mayor's choice depends on the president or prime minister trying to achieve." Publicist Vinogradov said that Luzhkov's successor may be a certain political prestige but
no political ambitions of the characters.

U.S. three-leg amputee veterans boarded the feat the top of Africa

    Foreign reports, three veterans of U.S. military amputees spent 6 days before the board of the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. This three in Afghanistan, Iraq and
Vietnam veterans wounded U.S. troops on foot climb in just one leg on the altitude of 5891 m summit of Africa.
Reported that the journey usually takes climbing 3 to 4 days, but several people stopped to replace the artificial limbs to be often, because slipping on loose rocks on the road
is a very dangerous thing.
From Colorado 26 years old battlefield in Afghanistan, Neil Duncan lost both legs, he is the youngest among 3; 37-year-old Dan Nevins was killed in the Iraq war legs; most of
Kirk Bauer has been a long 62 years of age this year, he was in Vietnam in 1969 lost a leg.
Powell said: "If we come from different era veterans to the battlefield and legs with a board of Mount Kilimanjaro, then those same people who mutilated to get out and go
hiking, swimming or hiking, can be as normal Like a healthy life. "

British 32nd Bristol International Balloon Festival, held recently

    The movie "Fei Pixar", the grandfather dragging with colorful hot air balloon house, to complete the dream of his wife travel around the world, but also aroused many
children touch the sky, hot air balloon ride enthusiasm.
This year marks the birth of the modern hot air balloons 50th anniversary campaign. Recently, a small town southwest of Bristol in England, the annual international hot-air
balloon festival grand opening.
Bristol Balloon Festival was founded in 1979, is the largest western section of one of the hot-air balloon. This year's event from August 12 till 15. Organizers said more than
100 traditional and new style of flying hot air balloons will participate, including the style of traditional Scottish bagpipes and the first appearance of the dragon shape hot
air balloons.
During the event, each time at 6 every morning and evening hot air balloon flying activities, each year more than 50 million viewers to the site to watch. However, hot air
balloon motion influenced by the weather, wind or rain thunder and lightning too large will affect the flying hot air balloons. Bristol balloon festival this year the first two
days of evening flying activities canceled due to weather, so many viewers disappointed.
The world's first hot-air balloon shape can be traced back to 10th century Chinese invention, lanterns, 18th century French people were the first manned hot-air balloon to
achieve a feat, even earlier than the Wright brothers invented the airplane more than a century. Early hot-air balloon with a special material of paper into, by burning
branches, straw and animal carrion heated ball of gas. Of the 20th century, 60 years, the performance of propane gas heat burner and the emergence of high-strength nylon
material for the modern hot air balloon movement "delivery."
Half a century, hot air balloon movement in the West developed rapidly, and now there are over twenty thousand hot air balloon around the world in flight, many companies use to
advertise a hot air balloon, hot air balloon festival in Bristol and therefore become a display ad platform.

Britain hit by torrential rain a cliff climber SMS friends rescued thousands of miles away for help

Two Britons in Europe on Thursday to register the highest peak Mont Blanc, Italy, since the storm, the two were trapped in the 3,350 m at the cliff, neither up nor down. But in
the end they can say is the most in a not creative, but most is the way to escape - at 1280 kilometers away to the distant British friends send text messages for help.
Mike, both 23-year-old Ken and Greenwood are experienced climbers to conquer Mont Blanc 4810 meters above sea level is not difficult. Departure, the weather is still good, but
registration to the hillside, the sky suddenly began to storm. "Greenwood, a dislocated shoulder in the climbing, he must support the body weight with both hands, this is too
dangerous, we immediately decided to return." Mike Kane said, "but it was too much rain, the water flow down the rocks into the waterfall, the temperature getting lower and
lower. we find ourselves neither up nor down, trapped. "
Fortunately, both with the phone. They first thought is to give the Italian side of the rescue team to call, but the numbers have not been able to get through. Soon a phone
battery died, the other cell phone battery is the only remaining lifeline. To conserve power, the two once every hour machine, playing a phone, but the other is still no
response. "Frankly, we were scared to death." Mike Kane said, "when we think of friends in the UK Kerry Sixia Lennon."
To save, Mike Shannon Ken only dare to send a text message, did not expect the other party has received, and gave him back to the article is not a good message: "had been
reported, but rescue helicopters can not go up now, because of the weather too bad. "But for Ken and Mike Greenwood, this SMS was shot in the arm, they need only survive a night
on the cliff, if the rain stopped after dawn, the helicopter will be able to come up.
However, this evening could not boil, Michael Ken said, they squeezed in a small tent is no bottom edge of the cliff, the two forced himself to keep talking to stay awake. After
dawn, the helicopter turned out there, try three times before they get on the plane. After a doctor's examination, in addition to the dislocation of Greenwood, the two have not
been other injuries. Now they have left for home, but the way they actually wanted to go rock climbing in France.


Iranian president says to stop uranium enrichment can be considered a conditional

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 24, said that if the Western countries for Iran to provide nuclear fuel was 20% of Iran is ready to consider suspending uranium enrichment activities.
Attending the UN General Assembly session here Ahmadinejad - Ahmadinejad held a press conference in New York that day. In response to a question he said that to the national interests of Iran have their own production was 20% of the nuclear fuel. But "as long as we can definitely get 20% concentration of fuel, we will consider whether to stop ... ..."
Ahmadinejad - Ahmadinejad said Iran had previously said that Iran has produced enriched uranium concentration of 20% not interested. According to the provisions of international law and the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Western countries should provide Iran with nuclear fuel, but they confused the issue a political one.
U.S. and other Western countries accuse Iran of nuclear activities is to develop nuclear weapons, but Iran insists its nuclear activities only for peaceful purposes. Since Iran's refusal to halt uranium enrichment, the UN Security Council has passed sanctions against Iran 4 copies of the resolution.
May this year, Iran and Brazil, Turkey reached an agreement to exchange nuclear fuel. Under the agreement, Iran will ship low-enriched uranium to Turkey, the exchange was 20% of the fuel rods for nuclear reactors for research. But the United States and other Western countries have reacted coolly agreement.

Princess and the minister of small countries in Africa are agents found cheating

According to British media reports on September 24, early August, a number of South African media have been rumors - small African country of Swaziland King Mu Siwa 12th Emperor III Princess Pei are actually taking advantage of multi-Sang the occasion of royal visits, and the Minister of Justice married affair in the hotel bar, the results were security agents arrested one spot behind. Recently, the Mamba was on the spot, "unto the bed," the picture was finally exposed.
Princess often posing as soldiers slipped out of the palace
According to reports, more than 22 years of age are San Bei Mu Siwa is the King of Swaziland's 12th Royal Princess III. In 2004, when he was 16 years old are Bei was still a high school girl, Lai-owned by the king as a natural phase in 2005, became the 12th Emperor Mu Siwa Princess, and after another gave birth to three children. Bei marriage have won the King was loved, but also to the Princess in 2006 as then who visit overseas.
But early in August, a number of South African media began buzzing with speculation that Emperor Mu Siwa III since 2007 and married a 17-year-old girl named mention as any of his 13 after the Princess. Bei are eager to find solace in extramarital affairs begin. But her lover turned out to be the Minister of Justice of Swaziland bus! Rumors that the Princess are Bei often disguise themselves as a soldier, quietly slipped out of the palace, and the Minister of Justice Mamba tryst.
Open house to take advantage of the king's visit was "unto"
It is reported that Mamba currently married, as the Minister of Justice is responsible for his long Swaziland justice, won the King Mu Siwa God III of her, the latter is the minister of state and close friends. July 27, Mu Siwa Emperor III flew visit abroad. No sooner had left the king, are Bei Valentine Princess could not wait to invest in arms.
In the evening, Princess Pei and the Minister of Justice Mamba are both near the capital Mbabane in a open room Royal Hotel Villa appointment. However, when the arms are among the Dumi Suo Bei when lying in ambush security agents burst into the long room, in one fell swoop them both, "unto the bed."
Until last week, Prime Minister of Swaziland Dlamini 5 minutes in a brief news conference, the first exposure of the "Princess affair case," the details of the whole story. Open a new top-secret photos show, in order not to be on the spot, "unto the bed," is about when security agents burst into the room, desperate Attorney Mamba actually hid under the bed belly sandwich, the thinking that it would " hope to get away "without being seen! The bed until the security agents turned turtle during the squall, he was compelled to awkwardly climb from the bed inside out!
Ministers may be sentenced to death
According to sources, the Princess Pei are caught cheating, in fact, deliberately taking advantage of the Musi Wa Di III the occasion of the dark spider visit.
According to Prime Minister of Swaziland Dlamini announced last week, has resigned her Mamba Minister of Justice and Members of their positions, but did not give detailed reasons for his resignation. Only the Prime Minister Dlamini said the Mamba in the "there has been some rumors of domestic" after the resignation of the post. It is reported that the Mamba is currently in jail accused of "invasion" harem, if convicted, he may be sentenced to long prison terms or even death. According to some political insider familiar with the experts of Swaziland, said: "Mamba know too many secrets of the King, III, Emperor Mu Siwa have to be careful so the matter. If he took a large number of flight and exile, the royal secret, and that Emperor of Mu Siwa III will be an absolute headache for big problems. "all Princess Pei will also put under house arrest for life, she will live with the Queen Mother, and accept the 24-hour surveillance.

British men and 14 women 15 children

Keith, 25, Sunderland City, McDonald is an unemployed British men, by 44 pounds a week to live on relief. However, his girlfriend after another, and gave birth to many different children, and each girl once they are pregnant, he would have been immediately abandoned. In recent years, he has an affair with 14 women, and gave birth to 11 children, there are four still unborn. He was also known as the "father of the British the worst."
Only 15 years old to become a father
10-year-old MacDonald had a first sexual experience, when the boy refused even to contraception. 15 years old, McDonald became the father, he and his 7-year-old girlfriend big Michelle Purvis Gumi Li gave birth to their first child. And then he was just a day or even the children playing games.
Shortly after Jaime was born, and Michelle McDonald points to his hand, and and another called 16-year-old girl, Charlotte Anderson, started dating. When pregnant not long after Charlotte McDonald to quarrel with her, and her pregnancy sock in the stomach, then left her.
Jordan Banks, 21-year-old McDonald has become the next "prey", 6 years ago, the then 15-year-old Jordan MacDonald gave birth to "baby No. 3." Jordan is also informed of the health center just after the news of their pregnancy, it was McDonald abandoned. A few days later, McDonald began to seduce in the bus 19-year-old girl know Laisenia Rick Zhu, and she was in October 2003 MacDonald gave birth to a son named Brendan, just gave birth to safe childbirth than Jordan Gillis night for a month.
In the next 5 years, several other local girls also fall into the McDonald's "sugar-coated trap", has pregnant pregnant, gave birth for the love a liar, now 4-year-old "baby 5" Matt, 3-year-old "baby 6" Emily and 1-year-old "baby 7" Cleo. Without exception, is that McDonald are in their pregnancy they will be abandoned soon after.
For children who turn a blind eye
Claire, now 22-year-old Bryant is McDonald dating a year. Just this year, Claire gave birth to their daughter Peggy birth Alexandra. However, it has been when the mother of Claire is also not happy because she just heard the news she was pregnant not long to be abandoned McDonald. One day, Claire MacDonald burst into the home, found him and another 18-year-old girl tryst. Shamelessly Clare MacDonald said: "She is my new girlfriend now."
For their own sons and daughters, McDonald has never been indifferent, but never bought the children a birthday gift, even a birthday card. In fact, since he and his ex-girlfriend after breaking up each, he never went to see them or any of a child.
However, McDonald argues that: "I do not want any more children. All of a relationship with my girl and I are just for fun. I do not want to make things worse."
More recently, the "baby 6" mother Sita Qian called on the British Government to enforce McDonald vasectomy.
"The Merry account" by the taxpayers foot the bill actually
Although McDonald as the father of 15, but he never do a day when the father's obligation to refuse to pay any child support payments. Only later, before a British court ruling that he must pay him a monthly payment of £ 4 for each child support payments, you can each month to the McDonald still only willing to pay £ 1 for each child support payments, all the children rely on social welfare dependency.
In accordance with the British welfare system, no matter how much of your income or how much insurance to pay, as long as you have the responsibility for child care, you will be eligible to receive child benefit. Benefit children under the age of 16 designed, 16-year-old to 18 years if the child is still non-tertiary education establishments, are also eligible to receive.
That is, in all these children before the age of 18 adults, British taxpayers will give them £ 15 per person subsidies, the total cost of the 15 children reached 2.25 million pounds, which does not include their education expenses. In other words, all McDonald's "The Merry account", the last is for him by the British taxpayer pays the bill.

North Korea three pairs of the main person in charge of American affairs was promoted

23 North Korea announced the appointment of the first Fuxiang Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kang Sok Ju, vice premier of the Cabinet, while the respective increase of six-party talks on Korean Peninsula nuclear issue of the delegation of the DPRK Kim Kye-gwan, deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Li Yonghao as the first and Fu Xiang Fu Xiang. Some political analysts said that the DPRK to enhance Affairs is responsible for the U.S. people, aimed at trying to improve relations with the U.S. to promote six-party talks.
Kang Sok Ju
Commander of the U.S. policy
The Standing Committee of the DPRK Supreme People's decree 23, the appointment of former Foreign Minister Kang Sok Ju Fu Xiang was the first deputy prime minister, appointed former Foreign Minister Kim Kim is the first Fuxiang Ministry of Foreign Affairs, appointed as Foreign Minister Kim Li Yonghao.
South Korean media called the Kang Sok Ju, North Korean diplomatic "commander of U.S. policy." In 1986, when he was 47, served as Foreign Minister Kang Sok Ju, first Fuxiang, has been responsible for relations with the U.S..
Since the 90s of last century, the United States each high-level visit to the DPRK, Kang Sok Ju, attended almost all meetings.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in June 1994 visit to the DPRK, the Kang Sok Ju, North Korean President Kim Il Sung at the talks with Carter, and later that year participated in the two countries held nuclear talks in Geneva, Switzerland. Korea and the U.S. in October that year framework agreement signed in Geneva.
October 2000, Kang Sok Ju, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, accompanied by a special envoy, when he was first vice chairman of the National Defense Commission, Cho Myong Rok's visit to the U.S. sub commander and led the work to improve the DPRK-US relations contact.
Last August, former U.S. President Bill Clinton visited the DPRK and "get back" two American women journalists, Kang Sok Ju, Kim Jong Il, accompanied by talks with Clinton.
South Korean Yonhap News Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the first Fuxiang 24 years, Kang Sok Ju, Kim won the trust of one of its core staff.
Central figure in the six-party talks
Successor to Kim Kang Sok Ju also attended the 1994 Geneva framework agreement negotiations on behalf of the DPRK after many times through a bilateral dialogue channels with the six-party talks on its nuclear program the United States, issues such as missile talks.
Kim has signed on behalf of the six-party talks on North Korea in 2005, "9.19 Joint Statement," 2007 "2.13 common document", "10.3 joint document." Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's visit in August this year, the Special Representative of the U.S. North Korea policy thinking visit to the DPRK last December, he went to the airport to greet him.
Li Yonghao
Core members of the U.S. negotiating
The new North Korean Foreign Minister Kim Li Yonghao is also a core member of the U.S. negotiations, responsible for nuclear, disarmament, human rights, missiles and other issues. Li Yonghao has been appointed as the DPRK to the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Ambassador of Ireland in 2007 and served as the six-party talks on ending North Korea diplomatic Deputy Head of Mission.
Think tank Sejong Institute, Korea analyst Zhengcheng Chang (phonetic) said Kang Sok Ju, etc. 3 promotions, displays the Korean Government's determination to improve foreign relations as soon as possible and re-promoting the Six-Party Talks.
He told AFP that "by increasing Kang Sok Ju and Kim," North Korea "is highlighted will now play a more focus on promoting relations with Washington to promote the future of nuclear negotiations."


Nigerian militants abducted 5 students police manhunt

Nigeria police spokesman 18 said to the media, the group of unidentified militants early 17th in southeastern river state kidnapped five female student.
A spokesman for police in rivers, age, this tower abbe says five female students was the rotaract members, they were in high school and community's auger apartment by gunmen kidnapped. In the kidnapping of the five female students, the gang also robbed the TV, DVD player, laptops and miniature generators.
Abbe, said police received report immediately after the action, but the robber took the female students fled to neighboring states of gibeah. The police have contact with the local garrison, to strengthen the raid.
According to media reports, despite Nigeria in Nigeria, the federal government in southeastern Niger river delta region, but the amnesty still occasionally some militants abducted by locals and foreigners for high ransom.

Germany surrounded by thousands of people protested Mrs Merkel office continues to use nuclear power

According to the British Reuters reported on September 19, thousands of people has surrounded the German people German chancellor Angela merkel's office, to extend their protest use of nuclear power plant. Organizers say, this is the 1986 chernobyl nuclear accident after the outbreak of the scale, Germany's anti-nuclear protests.
Organizers say the protest is expected to attract 10 million, were mobilized in the grassroots merkel's centre-right opposition alliance. Protests began, German police said, has nearly four people, they then denied this number. Protesters demanding Angela merkel to stop using nuclear plans.
They waved banners, top write "shut up," ms merkel calls for the government planned to support her former schroeder by 2021 close all plants. A protest organizers say: "since 1986, this is the first time the massive demonstrations against nuclear."
1986 chernobyl nuclear leakage accidents in Ukraine, Germany began appearing among anti-nuclear mood. Investigation shows, most of the German people to oppose the use of nuclear power plant. Now poll high coalition government, 20 percent of the left-wing opposition says, if necessary, they will appeal to the Supreme Court, will ban the use of nuclear extended into law.

U.S. gulf oil Wells are completely shut

In order to thoroughly, oil seal leakage in oil workers near the leakage relief Wells. 16, reducing pressure Wells and oil leakage, homework personnel from the following day to relief Wells in cement, oil leakage from the bottom to block off. Cement solidified and through the pressure test, oil seal leakage was thoroughly.
Previously, the leakage of oil Wells in mid-july was a temporary oil-control cover sealing, homework personnel to the oil well cement and mud, so that the top from the flood, and remove provisional oil-control mask. Thereafter, the British petroleum company for 3 days of the oil pressure testing, found no apparent anomalies.
The disaster site command, American coast guard general, Paul? ChuKongFu, although oil seal leakage has been thoroughly clean the gulf oil leakage, but the work is far from over.


18 Gulf of Mexico oil spill is expected to completely block

Xinhua Houston on Sept. 17 (Xinhua Chen Yu) 17 BP announced that it plans to complete 18 complete sealing with cement leakage Gulf of Mexico oil well work.
BP said in a press release that day, engineers have completed leak near the oil well drill relief wells work, relief wells in 16 oil wells achieve docking with the leak, "the oil well is expected to be Saturday MC252 (18) is a permanent closure. "
British Petroleum in August through early into the cement from the top, sealing off the Gulf of Mexico oil leakage. The company has been following its "bottom of the ban" project preparation, through the relief well would be a lot of mud and cement injection to the incident on the leakage of oil wells at the bottom of the implementation of a permanent closure.
British Petroleum lease "Deep Horizon" drilling platform on April 20 near the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana waters, killing 11 workers died, and trigger the worst in U.S. history, crude oil spill.