
18 Gulf of Mexico oil spill is expected to completely block

Xinhua Houston on Sept. 17 (Xinhua Chen Yu) 17 BP announced that it plans to complete 18 complete sealing with cement leakage Gulf of Mexico oil well work.
BP said in a press release that day, engineers have completed leak near the oil well drill relief wells work, relief wells in 16 oil wells achieve docking with the leak, "the oil well is expected to be Saturday MC252 (18) is a permanent closure. "
British Petroleum in August through early into the cement from the top, sealing off the Gulf of Mexico oil leakage. The company has been following its "bottom of the ban" project preparation, through the relief well would be a lot of mud and cement injection to the incident on the leakage of oil wells at the bottom of the implementation of a permanent closure.
British Petroleum lease "Deep Horizon" drilling platform on April 20 near the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana waters, killing 11 workers died, and trigger the worst in U.S. history, crude oil spill.

