
Sarkozy: Israeli-Palestinian peace talks has been agreed in October to France

   Xinhua Xinhua Beijing on September 28 on the 27th, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said France would invite Palestinian and Israeli leaders in France next month to discuss
Middle East peace process.
    Sarkozy met in Paris on the day of visiting the Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. At a news conference after he announced that France proposes peace
talks, Palestinian and Israeli leaders next month to France.
    Sarkozy said he will meet Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak together the Middle East peace process.
    He said Abbas and Netanyahu have agreed to peace talks Act. Participants will also be 4 will be held in November to prepare for a Mediterranean Union summit.
    Mediterranean Union was established in July 2008, a total of 43 members, aimed at deepening cooperation in the European Union and Mediterranean countries. Palestine and
Israel are members of the League.
    Sarkozy reiterated France's stance on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, called on Israel to extend the cessation of West Bank Jewish settlements in the order. Abbas also
demanded at the party once again extend the cessation of that period, "a further period of three or four months, give peace a chance."
    Israel last November agreed to freeze West Bank settlement construction in 10 months, cessation of orders due at 0:00 on the 27th of this month. Under pressure from all
sides, Israel did not agree to extend the cessation of the final order, settlement construction resumed on schedule, to restart direct peace talks between Palestine and Israel
soon overshadowed.
    Palestinian previously insisted that if Israel does not extend the period of cessation of that, but the resumption of settlement construction, the Palestinian side will
withdraw from direct talks. Abbas said the 26th position, he will be Oct. 4 and the Arab League foreign ministers held talks after Pakistan announced the decision.

