
Nicaragua 5000 flood killed 54 people homeless

   Xinhua Beijing Sept. 29 band Storm "Matthew" in the Central American countries, Nicaragua floods, resulting in at least 54 people were killed and 5,000 were left homeless,
roads and bridges and other infrastructure damaged.
    28, Nicaraguan authorities said, "Matthew" will bring rain for days, 8,000 households were flooded. Matagalpa Province and the northern province of Esteli, Chinandega
province, northwestern, western León province hardest hit.
    29 Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported, heavy rain caused the water level in Managua, the capital of Managua to rise, threatening the nearby slums.
    Tropical Storm "Matthew" 23 formation, to the Caribbean coast to bring a wide range of rainfall, resulting in Nicaragua, Honduras and other countries power outages, flight
delays, coffee and sugar cane plantations were destroyed, tens of thousands of emergency transfer.
    "Matthew" 25 PM weakened into a tropical depression, but the residual effects of the continued heavy rainfall in parts of Central America are facing threat of floods and

