
Moscow mayor was free led to a public hot

Mayor of Moscow sitting in the seat for nearly 18 years, 28 Luzhkov was announced ahead of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed.
For the 74-year-old Luzhkov was dismissed from office, most public opinion here is not surprised. However, the reasons for his resignation, and the impact of the Russian
political analysts have different opinions.
Reason is to avoid complex
Russian presidential press service 28 in website reported that Luzhkov was dismissed because the "lost the trust of the president."
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that Luzhkov had time to take the necessary measures should alleviate the situation. "Moscow Mayor and the relationship between the
president and no place better. Not to mention the mayor is the president of the subsidiary, not the other way around." Putin said.
Russian official media in recent days criticized Luzhkov suspected corruption, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, and has been speculation recently that he may be liable to
Luzhkov is removed from the surface appears to be because of his corruption, but analysts believe that things are not so simple.
    Research Center of the Russian political market Shaky Love, deputy director of Xinhua News Agency said Dmitry Medvedev on Luzhkov long dissatisfaction with the team, in part
because "Luzhkov Group and the many economic scandal," but the reasons for his dismissal "not so simple", "Luzhkov said the president removed the anti-corruption struggle in the
beginning the whole, some far-fetched."
According to "Kommersant" reported that Luzhkov Medvedev's dissatisfaction on the many aspects involved. For example, in Moscow this summer, surrounded by forest fire smoke,
still leave Luzhkov did not return; pro-Luzhkov newspapers published the article at length, suggesting that the principles at work Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and
manner contrary.
The Shaky Love that Luzhkov was sacked Medvedev may also be implemented and the rotation system in the younger officials. Up to now, Luzhkov is a Russia local long-term
administration officials over the last one to leave. Earlier, the governor of Sverdlovsk region, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, have been successively step down.
Russia's "Spark" magazine quoted sociologist Cliffs Kaja's words, the current average age of 63 years the Russian governor. Medvedev appointed officials mean age 46 years. Last
December, Medvedev has said that the old generation of leaders for a term not exceeding 3 should be appointed, officials should rotate positions, and improve management to
reduce the level of malfeasance.
Mei, general co-decision?
There are also some media and analysts have dismissed the issue for the Mayor of Moscow's interpretation of a deeper level, that with the next presidential election approaches,
the relationship between Medvedev and Putin are also subtle changes, and Luzhkov's "existence" The relationship between the two may only have a negative effect.
Vinogradov, the Russian political commentator told Xinhua, the 2011 and 2012 will be held from the State Duma (lower house) elections and the Russian presidential elections, so
"for the Kremlin, the Moscow stability is vital important. " He believes that Luzhkov stepped down because he was trying to split Medvedev and Putin Zheliang "double carriages",
"created a destabilizing factor."
But Shakey Love that Luzhkov stepped down hard on the "May, Cape relations changes" in the background of it, "but also some far-fetched, or simply does not." He believes that
Luzhkov was against the Kremlin, "in this situation, if Medvedev is still doing nothing, is bound to lose political face."
It is worth mentioning that I am 27, Luzhkov publicly announced will not resign. Vinogradov considers it Luzhkov launched the "small uprising." He said: "The mayor openly
refused to leave the location, this approach allows the Kremlin can not tolerate, especially with elections approaching."
Shaky Love said Luzhkov's issue, if nothing Medvedev, "he will be treated as unable to govern", and cause Mei, general "double carriages" force restructuring, so that the
outside world to lose the presidential election in 2012 sense of mystery and interest. Shaky Love that Luzhkov was dismissed May, S & P both "joint decision", is "to prevent the
elite circle of political unrest generated the necessary measures."
Unpredictable political influence
    Luzhkov was dismissed what the Russian Council of geometry? Analysts vary. Some experts estimate that Luzhkov will not completely leave the political arena. But the media
here generally believe that this is unlikely.
In the Russian political arena, Luzhkov's influence should not be underestimated. June 1992 he was appointed as President Boris Yeltsin when he was mayor of Moscow, after three
consecutive re-election, most recently in June 2007. In 1993, Yeltsin and the parliament a heated battle, Luzhkov help them weather the storm. Since then, Luzhkov created the
"motherland" Movement and the Unity Party merged and grown into the largest party in the current Russian State Duma - United Russia party. Currently, Luzhkov was Vice President
of the United Russia Party Supreme Council.
Russia's "view report" website quoted the Russian political commentator saying Ryzhkov, Luzhkov behind "a huge business empire," "a huge group of Moscow officials," "all of them
will struggle in the end."
Shaky Love is told Xinhua that the Russian local government support for Luzhkov is a "limited", he left Russia Council will not have a huge ripple, and even the economic and
management structure of Moscow will not produce significant impact, "the capital will not be any threat to economic development, there is no need to have any fear."
The media here that the post of Deputy Mayor of Moscow welcomes the septuagenarian column, but "transitional figure." Putin, 28, said he had discussed with Dmitry Medvedev, the
new candidate for mayor of Moscow. He said that as a majority of seats in the Moscow Council of the United Russia party leader, his candidate for Mayor of Moscow will issue to
express their views, but the candidates have not yet determined.
"For the mayor's choice depends on the president or prime minister trying to achieve." Publicist Vinogradov said that Luzhkov's successor may be a certain political prestige but
no political ambitions of the characters.

