
British police uncovered a theft involving online banking to £ 6,000,000

AP 29, a police spokesman said the British police have arrested 19 suspected Internet banking theft suspects, involving up to 600 million pounds (about $ 9,470,000).
London police launched the morning of 28 action and arrested 15 men and 4 women. London Police Electronic Crime Investigation Department police officer Terry Wilson said: "We
destroyed a highly organized criminal networks, they use sophisticated methods to go from a large number of innocent people in the cash account transfer."
By Wilson said, the suspect by malicious software, steal the user's online banking login information, the victim funds to other accounts.
Reuters quoted police as saying that criminal gangs in the 3 months period of time the illegal theft of six million pounds (947 million). Further investigation of a case to
start with, may increase the amount of money involved.
Police did not disclose name of the bank involved in the case. However, Reuters reported that many victims are world renowned Bank of users.

