
British men and 14 women 15 children

Keith, 25, Sunderland City, McDonald is an unemployed British men, by 44 pounds a week to live on relief. However, his girlfriend after another, and gave birth to many different children, and each girl once they are pregnant, he would have been immediately abandoned. In recent years, he has an affair with 14 women, and gave birth to 11 children, there are four still unborn. He was also known as the "father of the British the worst."
Only 15 years old to become a father
10-year-old MacDonald had a first sexual experience, when the boy refused even to contraception. 15 years old, McDonald became the father, he and his 7-year-old girlfriend big Michelle Purvis Gumi Li gave birth to their first child. And then he was just a day or even the children playing games.
Shortly after Jaime was born, and Michelle McDonald points to his hand, and and another called 16-year-old girl, Charlotte Anderson, started dating. When pregnant not long after Charlotte McDonald to quarrel with her, and her pregnancy sock in the stomach, then left her.
Jordan Banks, 21-year-old McDonald has become the next "prey", 6 years ago, the then 15-year-old Jordan MacDonald gave birth to "baby No. 3." Jordan is also informed of the health center just after the news of their pregnancy, it was McDonald abandoned. A few days later, McDonald began to seduce in the bus 19-year-old girl know Laisenia Rick Zhu, and she was in October 2003 MacDonald gave birth to a son named Brendan, just gave birth to safe childbirth than Jordan Gillis night for a month.
In the next 5 years, several other local girls also fall into the McDonald's "sugar-coated trap", has pregnant pregnant, gave birth for the love a liar, now 4-year-old "baby 5" Matt, 3-year-old "baby 6" Emily and 1-year-old "baby 7" Cleo. Without exception, is that McDonald are in their pregnancy they will be abandoned soon after.
For children who turn a blind eye
Claire, now 22-year-old Bryant is McDonald dating a year. Just this year, Claire gave birth to their daughter Peggy birth Alexandra. However, it has been when the mother of Claire is also not happy because she just heard the news she was pregnant not long to be abandoned McDonald. One day, Claire MacDonald burst into the home, found him and another 18-year-old girl tryst. Shamelessly Clare MacDonald said: "She is my new girlfriend now."
For their own sons and daughters, McDonald has never been indifferent, but never bought the children a birthday gift, even a birthday card. In fact, since he and his ex-girlfriend after breaking up each, he never went to see them or any of a child.
However, McDonald argues that: "I do not want any more children. All of a relationship with my girl and I are just for fun. I do not want to make things worse."
More recently, the "baby 6" mother Sita Qian called on the British Government to enforce McDonald vasectomy.
"The Merry account" by the taxpayers foot the bill actually
Although McDonald as the father of 15, but he never do a day when the father's obligation to refuse to pay any child support payments. Only later, before a British court ruling that he must pay him a monthly payment of £ 4 for each child support payments, you can each month to the McDonald still only willing to pay £ 1 for each child support payments, all the children rely on social welfare dependency.
In accordance with the British welfare system, no matter how much of your income or how much insurance to pay, as long as you have the responsibility for child care, you will be eligible to receive child benefit. Benefit children under the age of 16 designed, 16-year-old to 18 years if the child is still non-tertiary education establishments, are also eligible to receive.
That is, in all these children before the age of 18 adults, British taxpayers will give them £ 15 per person subsidies, the total cost of the 15 children reached 2.25 million pounds, which does not include their education expenses. In other words, all McDonald's "The Merry account", the last is for him by the British taxpayer pays the bill.

